Thursday, October 18, 2012

Bebe and the water bowl.

Vinny went to bed before I did, so Bebe went into the bedroom to be with him. She came out a few hours after to ask for water. She does this by making a sound with her empty bowl. I filled the bowl from the living room, and put it down. She's not there. I find her in the bedroom, sitting in front of the water bowl we keep there. "No, no. Fill this one." She's telling me. I find it cute that she wants to stay in the bedroom so much that she's willing to forego a full water bowl to make a point. However, I was most impressed that she thought of 1) finding the awake person, 2) using the living room bowl to communicate her want, and 3) then using body language back in the bedroom to communicate a more specific want. She's clever. I'm also struck by her wanting to be in the bedroom so much. She's usually a one person dog, and will never separate from me. She has a bond with Vin, and will interact with him a lot when I'm in the room, but she very rarely chooses to separate from me under any circumstances. Since I'm so enamored with their bond and with seeing them interact, this development brings me joy.

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